《Last Command》cooperation confirmed

Date : 2021-08-31


Last Command is an outstanding game.

Same as a game developer, we see the cleverness of design in this game.

That is why we were surprised when we found out the game was made by a one person team.

When we get in touch with Dinaya, Last Command is planning on self-publishing.

Even though the CreSpirit team has been busy on our own projects, we still decide to give our support to this game.

Beside publishing, CreSpirit also supports Dinaya on game optimization. 

The game will be officially launched in June, 2022 on Steam.

We are thankful to your patience and understanding, and promise Last Command will be present much perfectly to players.

Adjust of Last Command will be:

- 3 new game mode!

- Backers will receive the first DLC freely after game release.

- New equipment and skill system.

- New sound effects and boss animation.

- Bigger map, variety element and more challenge!

Due to the adjustment of artbook, the shipping date of crowdfunding goods will be delayed to February, 2022.

To make up the wait, we will  add a new item to all backers.

Thanks for your understanding.