Rabi-Ribi released in PlayStation Asia!

Date : 2018-05-04


Two years ago, we brought Rabi-Ribi to you guys, and release it on Steam and PlayStation store in USA/Europe. Since that day, we received many feedback and opinion from player all over the world.


In all the feedback, we’ve been asked a lot about the releasing in PS store of Asian area. We can’t announce the information because we were unable to pass the verification. The stander between USA/Europe store and Asian Store seems huge different. And much much difficult.


Although, we never give up.


We finally received a mail said we pass the verification!!! YAEEEE----!!!

So, we are happy to announce the release date of Rabi-Ribi in Asian PlayStation Store well be Friday, May 18th, 2018.

Get ready with your PS point and stay tuned for more information about the price and game content!